terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2012

A opinião de um membro da comitiva Comenius 2012

A propósito do Projeto Comenius 2010-2012, no qual o nosso Agrupamento participou conjuntamente com escolas de outros países, nomeadamente da Alemanha, Bulgária, Grécia, Lituânia, Roménia e Turquia, o professor Wolfgang Reich da delegação alemã teceu vários elogios ao nosso país na sua página da web, num texto que a seguir transcrevemos.

Este texto foi redigido na sequência da última etapa que se realizou em Portugal entre os dias 29 de abril e 4 de maio.

 “Portugal (Comenius 2012)

Portugal, a country somewhere on the fringe of Europe. Everybody knows about Spain, France, etc. but Portugal seems to be just another country for a good value holiday, doesn‘t it?

It‘s so much more than that and you should - by all means - brace yourself when taking that ride! Once that ‘thing‘ gets hold of your heart you won‘t be released easily. You can‘t help but taking it all in and it just doesn‘t wear off like the other wonderful memories you‘d collect on a fabulous trip which make you go like: “Yes, I‘d love to come back.“ No, it‘s: “I just cannot leave like that!“ The ‘thing‘ is called fado, or saudade respectively.

The fado-music would be the closest thing to it but it‘s more than that - sweeps you off your feet and goes swaying about with you. ‘Saudade‘ is the notion at the heart of Fado and Portugal. And once you‘re in, there seems to be no way out anymore. Your only hope is to either keep riding or to leave and wait until it lets go of you. There‘s just only one beautiful way of being decently devastated: saudade.”

 Wolfgang Reich
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